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Atlantic Eagles, soaring higher than ever, will be featured in upcoming documentary

Many of the players on the Atlantic Eagles may have once thought football was the only way to excel in life. But since playing in the state title game two years ago, they’ve thrived beyond their wildest dreams in the classroom, and in their community. Now their inspirational story will be featured in a documentary, hoping to show others how to soar as high as the Eagles.

“What caught my attention with these gentleman is there drive to be the best,” says writer and producer Jane Swanko, part of the Sturdy Group.

“Football is important to us,” says Atlantic head coach T.J. Jackson. “But education is more important to us”

The film will document how Jackson, a former NFL star, inspired 85 percent of his team to the honor roll this past season, with 98 percent meeting or surpassing NCAA requirements.

“It shows what players go through,” says senior defensive lineman Henry Bryant III. “(And those) who don’tt know what is going on in the outside”

From extra tutoring, to team meals, to doing Pilates as a team, the movie has caught every detail of how the Eagles have expanded their minds and their desire to give back to the community.

“(It’s motivating) knowing that your trying to set yourself up to be successful in the long run,” says Eagles wide receiver Tyrese Blue.”There is always distractions on top of being a student athlete, but you just have to stay focused and do what you gotta do”

“If you care about the kids, and you put your passion into the kids,” explains Jackson. “And to what your doing, everything will be successful”

“My vision for this is that retired NFL football players from this country will take this as a template,” says Swanko. “And will go into an inner city school or a public school, and use their star power to do the exact same thing”

“It’s not about yourself,” adds Eagles player Ciah Joseph. “It’s about the ones you care about in your community and the ones that love you”

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