Jane Swanko

Jane Swanko’s books are more than just a read; it’s an experience that invites you to explore the profound depths of spirituality and divine communication. With heartfelt stories, practical advice, and deeply rooted biblical insights, Jane’s newly minted JUST ASK™ All In, serves as a light for those seeking to understand and connect with God on a personal level.
Welcome To
Jane Swanko
Welcome to the official website of “Unforgiven Love” by Gwendolyn Jones. Dive into the compelling narrative of Diane’s journey—a tale of self-discovery, resilience, and the pursuit of love. Join us as we explore the complexities of Diane’s life, her struggles, her triumphs, and her unwavering spirit. Discover why readers everywhere are captivated by this poignant story of love, loss, and the resilience of the human spirit. Welcome to “Unforgiven Love.”

Ever wonder what it would be like to hear from God?
Since the age of seven, Jane Swanko has heard from Him regularly. He tells her all sorts of things about her own life – opportunities to be seized, situations to be avoided – and about the lives of people around her. There is nothing exceptional about Jane’s gift. In fact, the premise of this book is that anyone can hear from God and be guided by His extraordinary wisdom and healed by His awesome power.
Jane offers a step-by-step approach to prepare the reader for a new and personal relationship with God. She explains how and why the mind and heart are critical in the process and how to distinguish our inner thoughts (intuition, gut reactions, and the like) from the actual voice of God.
Referring to her personal experiences and those she has shared with many well-known people, Jane tackles a number of controversial topics: whether generational curses exist and the extent to which we are bound by the sins of our forefathers; how personal loss, faith healings and coincidences can be rationalized; and how religion and the occult impact our ability to be in touch with God on a super-personal level.
Hearing from God is the most precious and wonderful gift anyone can ever hope to receive. JUST ASK™ offers an insightful approach to obtaining this gift and the life-changing benefits that come with it.

Jane Swanko
Jane Swanko was born and raised in South Florida. She was a nationally ranked water polo player in high school, where she earned All-American, MVP and state championship status. She attended the University of Miami, where she later became an adjunct professor of sports marketing. She founded a successful public relations and marketing firm and represented judicial campaigns, attorneys, entertainers, financial institutions and sports figures in Miami, New York and Boston. Swanko created television dramas prior to writing, producing and directing the award-winning documentary, l WILL SOAR released worldwide in 2023. She is also a motivational speaker.
For more information or speaking engagements, email Jane at JanieS@janeswanko.com.

Miami’s WSVN/Channel 7 News’ interview about, “Just Ask”
Miami’s WSVN/Channel 7
Just Ask is a 5-star hit with Amazon’s Readers
Beth Rodriguez
Beautifully and simply written, JUST ASK™ has convinced me that talking and listening to God will help me lead a happier and more fulfilling life.
Unpretencious, enlightening and encouraging, I felt I could relate to the author as she shared her real-life experiences yet did not pretend to know all the answers. There were many times that I felt she was talking to me personally, as my life situations mirrored some of the examples she gave.
I now know that it is within me to ask God for guidance, and to hear – and listen to – His words of infinite wisdom.
“I’ve read JUST ASK™ more than once and have joyfully referred back to it on several occasions. Each time I receive something new and inspiring that I can relate to my own life. With so many counterfeit books out there that try and steer you away from the truth and grace of a loving God who speaks to us every day JUST ASK™ makes it clear that God is truly our best friend … and like a best friend JUST ASK™ Him and watch how He answers! What a blessing it is to know that God uses people like Jane Swanko to spread his Mercy and Love. We have free choice and I would suggest you choose to purchase and read this wonderful book!”
Michael Roberts
I enjoyed this book for the most part. She shares of her experiences with God and the Holy Spirit and that is something I like to read about in books.
For the person who said do not buy this book: That person must be very anti-Christian from the get go and letting their bias cloud their judgment. In fact this book is a bit more liberal then most Christian books so I do not understand how it could offend anyone. Plus Christians are not the only people she prays for and had spiritual experiences with. This book defiantly does not preach the same old rhetoric found in most churches (if such a thing actually exists) because most churches are not as spiritual and welcoming of the Holy Spirit as this woman is. Basically, you have to have something really against Christianity (and a personal problem) to knock this book.
I would recommend this book to people who are trying to become more spiritual in their relationship with God.
Fairy Queen
Watch the trailer for I WILL SOAR, Jane’s directorial debut that has garnered 20 nominations and wins including “Best Director”, “Best Documentary” and “Most Inspirational” also available on Amazon
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Excellent book!!! Had my eyes watering before I got to the third page. Made me want to get closer to God and pursue my relationship with him.
Jane is not a preachy, holier-than-thou freak, she’s a down to earth person with a wonderful understanding of forming a relationship with “Our Father”.
Definitely buy more than one, this is one book you’ll want to give your friends and family.